First look at upcoming DreamWorks’ animation film “The Guardians of Childhood”, set for release on November 21, 2012. The film is directed by Jeffrey Lynch and the screenplay is written by David Lindsay-Abaire based on the book by William Joyce, and voice cast by Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack Frost, Miranda Cosgrove as The Tooth Fairy, Seth Green as The Easter Bunny, Andy Samberg as Sandy the Sandman, George Lopez as Pitch the Boogeyman, Hank Azaria as The Genie and Christopher Lee as Santa Claus.
Movie synopsis: The film features a group of heroes from various childhood stories - Santa (Christopher Lee), the Easter Bunny (Seth Green), the Tooth Fairy (Miranda Cosgrove), Genie (Hank Azaria), the Sandman (Andy Samberg) and Jack Frost (Leonardo Dicaprio) - who join together in an adventure to stop Pitch the Boogeyman (George Lopez) from sending the world into "eternal darkness".
Stay tuned for more information