First look at Milla Jovovich’s upcoming thriller film Faces in the Crowd, set for release in 2011. The screenplay is written and directed by Julien Magnat and stars: Milla Jovovich as Anna Marchant, Michael Shanks as Bryce, Sarah Wayne Callies as Francine, Julian McMahon as Detective Kerrest, Sandrine Holt as Nina, Marianne Faithfull as Dr. Langenkamp, Valentina Vargas as Nina, Anthony Lemke as Bryce, Nels Lennarson as Detective Kerrest, David Atrakchi as Lanyon, Chris Kalhoon as Kerrest, David Ingram as Bryce, Medina Hahn as Ninan and Dionne Waterman as herself.
Faces in the Crowd movie synopsis: Anna (played by Milla Jovovich) perhaps the only victim escape from the serial killer Tearjerk Jack’s dreadful control, but left with “face blindness”, she is totally helpless to recognize him – or any person else. Now, with only a faithful police officer’s (played by Julian McMahon) features recognizable to her, she cannot belief anybody as she fight back to continue her ordinary life, and, plagued by terror and a cruel Jack, fights to stay alive.
Faces in the Crowd Trailer