Winnie the Pooh is an animated film, set for release on July 15, 2011 by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The film is directed by Stephen Anderson and Don Hall Based on the characters of the children's books Winnie-the-Pooh, The House at Pooh Corner by A. A. Milne and Return to the Hundred Acre Wood by David Benedictus, Winnie the Pooh will feature five previously unadapted stories from the original books. It will be produced in the same style as previous Disney-produced Winnie the Pooh featurettes such as Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree and Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too!. Voice cast by Craig Ferguson as Owl, Jim Cummings as Pooh / Tigger, Tom Kenny as Rabbit, Wayne Knight as Papa Heffalump, Peter Cullen as Eeyore and Gilbert Gottfried as Marley.

Movie synopsis:

Winnie the Pooh movie trailer


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