Marvel Pinball is an adventure video game for Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3), release date to be announced later. The game is developed and published by Zen Studios. In the game, Join Spider-Man, Wolverine, Iron Man, and Blade on four pinball tables powered by the dazzling Pinball FX 2 engine. Use your pinball wizardry to save the world from the most notorious super villains, and relive the greatest moments of the classic Marvel Universe in an epic pinball adventure!
Spider-Man Table: The likeable wallcrawler battles some of his most fiendish nemeses in a table featuring wacky ramps and super-fast gameplay. Battle Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin and Mysterio in this Spider-Man adventure.
Wolverine Table: Keeping Wolverine’s feral instincts under control is hard enough, but mix in killjoys like Silver Samurai, Sabertooth and Sentinel and you are in for serious carnage. Are you ready for one heck of a pinball ride, bub?
Marvel Pinball game video
Iron Man Table: It’s time to suit up and launch the iconic Iron Man into explosive pinball action as he battles Whiplash, Mandarin & Ultimo. Take on the role of Tony Stark, eccentric playboy, brilliant inventor, and legendary Super Hero.
Blade Table: Deep in the darkest alleyways of New York, a new menace is rising. Blade returns to find Deacon Frost back and stronger than ever, at the head of an entire army of undead. Will Blade, aided by his old comrade Hannibal, be able to stem the tide and discover the reason for their sudden appearance? Find out on this exciting new pinball table!

Marvel Pinball game features:
•State-of-the-art physics model
•Play through story mode to complete missions on one table to unlock missions on other tables
•Each table features battles against multiple enemies
•4 highly detailed, full-featured tables
•Local (hotseat) and online (simultaneous) multiplayer modes
•Local and online high score lists
•Save/Load, slow motion, and other unlockable cheats
•Operator's service menu
•Full 3D environments, characters and objects
•Controller tilt feature used to nudge table
•Vibration support for Dualshock 3 controller
•Trophies for high scores and other accomplishments
•Playstation Eye support (video chat)
•Hero Score (PFX2 equivalent of Superscore)
•Team Force (PFX2 equivalent of Wizard Score)