Hop is a live-action / CG-animated comedy film, set for release on April 1, 2011. The film is directed by Tim Hill, director of the blockbuster Alvin & the Chipmunks and produced by Chris Meledandri’s Illumination Entertainment (Despicable Me), and cast by James Marsden as Fred O'Hare, Kaley Cuoco as Samantha O'Hare, Fred's sister, Elizabeth Perkins, Chelsea Handler as Mrs. Beck and Russell Brand as Easter Bunny (voice).
Movie synopsis: From the creators of DESPICABLE ME comes HOP, the comic tale of Fred (James Marsden), an out-of-work slacker who accidentally injures the Easter Bunny (voiced by Russell Brand) and must take him in as he recovers. As Fred struggles with the world’s worst houseguest, both will learn what it takes to finally grow up.
Hop movie trailer