Razorblade City is a drama film, set for release on DVD through Maverick Entertainment on December 7, 2010. The film is written and directed by Richard Johnson and stars Vonn Harris, Jace Nicole, Chris Clanton, Tyeisha Gibson, Gary-Kayi Fletcher, Gabe Baez, Norman Jackson, Trinetta Wright, Michael Alban, Paul Wiedecker, Ryan Braxton, Richard Johnson and Corey Williams.
Movie synopsis: A man framed for the murder of a powerful gangster's son is targeted for death by the most feared x in the city, and races to clear his name before taking a bullet for a crime he didn't commit.
DVD info:
Format: Color, DVD, NTSC, Surround Sound, Widescreen
Language: English
Region: Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only)
Aspect Ratio: 1.77:1
Number of discs: 1
Rated: Unrated
Studio: Maverick Entertainment Group
Run Time: 90 minutes
Razorblade City movie teaser