I Spit on Your Grave is a horror film and remake of the 1978 film of the same name, set to be relaesed on October 31, 2010. The film is written by Jeffrey Reddick and directed by Steven R. Monroe, and stars Daniel Franzese as Stanley, Chad Lindberg as Matthew, Rodney Eastman as Andy, Sarah Butler as Jennifer, Jeff Branson as Johnny, Saxon Sharbino as Chastity, Amber Dawn Landrum as Gas Station Girl 1, Andrew Howard as Sheriff and Mollie Milligan as Mrs. Storch.

Movie synopsis: Aspiring writer Jennifer Hills moves to a small town in order to write her first novel. Upon ordering food from the supermarket, she meets the grocery store delivery boy, a mentally handicapped man named Matthew. Three disturbed local men who frequently harass and torment Matthew take notice of Jennifer's presence and begin to harass her. This harassment quickly evolves into more sinister taunts and actions, and culminates with the men attacking Jennifer and brutally sodomizing and gang raping her. The men also force Matthew to have sex with Jennifer during the attack. Following the assault, the men order Matthew to kill her in an attempt to cover up their crime. Matthew cannot bring himself to do this, instead dabbing the knife in her blood to make it appear to the men that he has completed the task. After two weeks of recuperation and recovery, Jennifer pieces together a grisly plan for revenge.

I Spit on Your Grave movie trailer

I Spit on Your Grave, movie, poster, dvd, cover


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