Minimum and recommended system hardware (specs) requirements, for PC video game Mount & Blade Warband.
Minimum System Requirements
Operating System: Windows 2000/ME/XP/Vista/Windows 7
Processor: 2.1Ghz or higher
Memory: 1 GB
Hard Drive: 900 MB free hard disk space
Video Card (graphics): Graphics card (128 MB+)
Sound Card: DirectX compliant card
DirectX: DirectX 9.0c
3-button mouse, keyboard and speakers
Internet Connection required for multiplayer and Online Activation
Mount & Blade: Warband Single Player Trailer

i got 4 gb ram/proc 2.7 dual core and it lags at 100vs100 and when i have slow load...why?:|maybe cuz i have viruses?:D anyway im instaling win 7 so i hope i wont have prob there