Dragon's Lair is an action video game developed by Wizardry Engineering / United Coders and published by Conspiracy Entertainment for the Nintendo DS (also available on Mac, 2600, DVD, CPC, Cell, PC, GBC, PC, PC, Xbox, Jag-CD, CD-i, Arcade, PSP, Sega CD, C64, PC, 3DO). Dragon's Lair is set to be released on December 21, 2009. This Nintendo DS edition of the arcade hit is a 2-screen version of the classic FMV videogame. In this single-player action game, you play as heroic knight Dirk the Daring as he journeys to a mysterious castle filled with danger, in order to save the fair Princess Daphne from the forces of evil and the towering dragon Singe. Dragon's Lair features full-motion animation directed by Don Bluth, the man behind animated films such as the Secret of Nimh and Titan AE. It takes fast reflexes and a good memory to remember the safe way through each section of the deadly castle. Do you have what it takes to guide Dirk to the end and save Princess Daphne?
Dragon's Lair game video

Dual Screen (book-style) full-screen action.
Single Screen (top-down) full-screen action.
D-Pad & Touch screen support (in both Dual Screen & Single Screen modes).
Voice Recognition.
Rumble Pak Support.
Arcade & Home modes: This feature allows you to switch between the Arcade and Home versions of the game (Arcade default). The differences between the two are that the latter includes the additional sequences that were not in the original Arcade game.
Game Statistics: Displays your lives and overall score.
Lives: Choose between unlimited, standard 5 lives or sudden death single life mode.
Difficulty: Easy or Hard. The Hard option complicates things by adding additional moves in certain sequences and mixes up the scenes for less linear stage progression. Timing of moves is also affected – achieve higher scores.
Visual Move Guide On/Off: Toggle this option on to bring up a visual clue that shows whether you entered the right move or not. A red circle means you entered the wrong move or your timing is off, a green one lets you know you did it right.
Watch mode (learning mode – video mode): All game scenes without deaths – all game scenes with deaths scenes, in addition to an option where the player can choose to watch a specific scene.