Deep Gold is an action film, set for release in the USA on April 22, 2011. The film is written and directed by Michael Gleissner and stars Bebe Pham, Jaymee Ong, Michael Gleissner, Amelia Jackson-Gray, Laury Prudent, Kersten Hui, Kelsey Adams, Jose Ch. Alvarez, Madel Amigable, Charry Mae Aying, Chris Bagumgartner, Marketa Belonoha, Leigh Carcel, Roxanne Casio and Cutie Del Mar.
Movie synopsis: Shortly after free diver Amy Sanchez breaks an important freediving record, her boyfriend - Air Force Pilot Tony - mysteriously vanishes together with a flight that was bringing millions of dollars worth of gold to the Central Bank.
Determined to discover the truth, Amy goes off with her sister to find out.
Is Tony actually dead? Or if not, is the man she loved really part of the plot to steal the gold? But she has no idea that she is about to discover the unexpected, and entangles herself in a web of lies and deceit before she finds out that somebody used her for what turns out to become a much larger conspiracy.
Deep Gold (2011) movie trailer