Monsters (Probably) Stole My Princess is a platformer video game for Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) and PlayStation 3 (PS3), set to be released in Q2 2010. The game is developed and published by by Mediatonic. In the game, the player takes control of a massively powerful (and slightly unhinged) aristocratic demon known only as "The Duke" who is woken up by the sound of his princess being stolen from her heavily barricaded room in his castle. Without a single clue to go on, he can only assume that monsters were (probably) responsible, and sets out to track down his missing princess by beating up monsters largely at random in the hope that it will (somehow) reunite him with his beloved princess.

The game is an upwards-scrolling platformer in which the player must chase down giant fleeing monsters and subdue them by crashing into them three times. As the player touches platforms on the way up they will build up a combo, delighting the Duke and increasing his speed and power to enable him to unleash increasingly over-the-top finishing moves to defeat the monsters.

Monsters (Probably) Stole My Princess game video

Monsters Probably Stole My Princess, game, psp, sony, ps3, screen, image Monsters (Probably) Stole My Princess game features:

•Full story mode with animated cut-scenes detailing the Duke's story

•Six unique worlds and monsters to battle through

•24 levels in total

•Fast-paced upwards-scrolling chase action

•Original platforming and combat gameplay mechanic

•Full original(ish) soundtrack

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