Jonah Hex is an action drama film, set to be released on June 18, 2010 (USA). The film is directed by Jimmy Hayward and written by Neveldine & Taylor(Screenplay), and stars Josh Brolin, John Malkovich, Megan Fox, Michael Shannon and Michael Fassbender.
Movie synopsis: The U.S. military makes a scarred bounty hunter with warrants on his own head an offer he cannot refuse: in exchange for his freedom, he must stop a terrorist who is ready to unleash Hell on Earth. He is hired to track down Quentin Turnbull, with whom he shares a troubled past. Early rumors emerged about a zombie army or Quentin trying to rewin the war, but these were dismissed when producers said "Quentin is more of a terrorist upset about the outcome of the war not someone trying to fight and rewin it."

Jonah Hex (2010) Movie Poster and Synopsis
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