Chanel Coco & Igor Stravinsky is a drama romance film based on the book by Chris Greenhalgh, set to be released in USA on June 11 2010 (limited). The film is written by Chris Greenhalgh and directed by Jan Kounen, and stars: Mads Mikkelsen, Anna Mouglalis, Yelena Morozova, Natacha Lindinger, Grigori Manukov, Radivoje Bukvic, Nicolas Vaude, Anatole Taubman, Erick Desmarestz, Clara Guelblum, Maxime Daniélou and Sophie Hasson.
Movie Synopsis: The brief love affair between two 20th century icons is dramatized in this period drama from director Jan Kounen. Igor Stravinsky (Mads Mikkelsen) was one of Europe's most promising new composers when in 1913 he premiered his ballet Le Sacre du Printemps (aka The Rite of Spring); the piece proved to be wildly controversial, and the audience at the Paris debut was vocal in their disgust, ruining Stravinsky's reputation for years. One patron who did like the performance was Coco Chanel (Anna Mouglalis), who was already among Europe's most celebrated fashion designers. Seven years later, Chanel encounters Stravinsky at a party, and learns that the composer is penniless and without a place to live.
Chanel Coco & Igor Stravinsky movie trailer
Chanel befriends him, and allows him to move into her summer home in the country along with his wife, Catherine (Elena Morozova), and their four children. Chanel is nursing a broken heart after the recent death of her boyfriend, and what began as an act of compassion for a fellow artist turns into an affair of the heart as Chanel and Stravinsky become lovers, much to the chagrin of the sickly Catherine. Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky was the second film about the fashion icon released in 2009, following Anne Fontaine's Coco Before Chanel.