Meet Monica Velour is a comedy film, set for release on April 08, 2011. The film is written and directed by Keith Bearden and stars Kim Cattrall, Dustin Ingram, Brian Dennehy, Keith David, Jee Young Han, Daniel Yelsky, Jamie Tisdale, Jay Malack, Kojo Asiedu, Nicole Barley, Mike Bobbitt, Benjamin Brennan, Autumn Brown, Clyde Brown, Paulen Candeago and Peter Carey.
Movie synopsis: Tobe Hulbert's life sucks. He's a recent high-school graduate living in Washington with his grandfather, working out of a vintage hot dog truck, and his only friend is his overweight 12-year-old neighbor. In the dog-days of summer, his one escape is obsessively watching videos of his fantasy girl: Monica Velour, the most famous adult film star of the 1970s.
Browsing Monica's fan site one afternoon, Tobe discovers that she is doing a rare live appearance at a strip club in rural Indiana. With nothing stopping him, he hits the road to meet the woman of his dreams. Expecting his fantasy, he is instead confronted with a harsh reality: Monica is a 49-year-old mom, living in a trailer park, and her world is nothing like he imagined it would be. The last thing Monica needs is another complication in her life, but Tobe is determined to do whatever it takes to get close to her.
Meet Monica Velour movie trailer