Carmo, Hit the Road is an adventure drama film, set for release in the USA on October 15, 2010. The film is written and directed by Murilo Pasta, and stars: Fele MartĂnez, Mariana Loureiro, Seu Jorge, Márcio Garcia, Paca GabaldĂłn, Rosi Campos, Norival Rizzo, Kiko Bertholini, Nanda Costa, ThaĂs Fersoza, Clarissa Kiste.
Movie synopsis: Carmo would do anything to escape the hellhole of a Brazilian border town where she lives. So when a lonesome, wheelchair-bound low-life named Marco arrives on the scene, she jumps at the chance to help him transport a shipment of smuggled goods.
An unlikely romance unfolds as the two are chased through a lush and jagged South American landscape by bandidos, the police and their own passions alike. A lawless, reckless journey of self-discovery, this Sundance dazzler refuels the classic road-trip genre.
Carmo Hit the Road movie trailer