Here is the complete soundtrack (Score) to Milla Jovovich’s upcoming movie Resident Evil 4: Afterlife.The music composed by Tomandandy, and set for release on September 28, 2010 via Milan Records. For more information about the movie, please visit: : Resident Evil 4: Afterlife (2010) Movie Poster Images and Trailer
Complete tracklisting:
1. Tokyo
2. Umbrella
3. Damage
4. Cutting
5. Twins

7. Far
8. Flying
9. Memory
10. Los Angeles
11. Binoculars
12. Prison
13. Discovery
14. Hatchet
15. AxeMan
16. Arcadia
17. Up
18. Party
19. Promise
Resident Evil 4: Afterlife Movie Soundtrack - Preview

Soundtracks are average but trailer is so good music could have been better with 3D effects added seems to be one of the much hyped movies
Resident Evil AfterLife Online