The Princess and the Frog is an animated family movie directed by John Musker and Ron Clements, directors of The Great Mouse Detective, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Hercules, and Treasure Planet, it is being with songs and score composed by Randy Newman and with the voices of Anika Noni Rose (as Princess Tiana), Oprah Winfrey, Keith David, Jim Cummings, John Goodman, Jenifer Lewis, Bruno Campos, Michael-Leon Wooley, Peter Bartlett and Terrence Howard. Set to be released on November 25, 2009 (USA) and on December 11, 2009 (world wide) by Walt Disney Animation Studios.
The Princess and the Frog movie trailer:
When the free pirited, jazz-loving Prince Naveen of Maldonia (Bruno Campos) comes to town a deal with a shady voodoo doctor goes bad and the once suave royal is turned into a frog. In a desperate attempt to be human again, a favor in exchange for a fateful kiss on the lips from the beautiful girl, Tiana (Anika Noni Rose), takes an unexpected turn and leads them both on a hilarious adventure through the mystical bayous of Louisiana to the banks of the almighty Mississippi and back in time for Mardi Gras in New Orleans. An unforgettable tale filled with music, humor and heart where two frogs along with the help of a 200-year-old voodoo priestess, a love-sick Cajun firefly, and a trumpet-playing alligator discover that what they want isn’t as important as what they need.
System Requirements For The Princess And The Frog (Recommended PC Game Specs)
I'm glad Disney has decided to make an old fashioned animated movie.
And I think that the alligator will be a total classic, he is so magnificently hilarious and charming :))
Wow what a nice blog you make. Great blog !!! Well The Princess and the Frog is a mind blowing movie. It has very interesting and wonderfull story for little kids. So kids you should watch The Princess and the Frog movie, I hope you will love this movie..