The Blind Side is a drama movie, depicts the remarkable true story of Michael Oher. Written and directed by John Lee Hancock, and based on the 2006 book The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game by Michael Lewis, stars: Quinton Aaron as Michael Oher and Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw as Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy, Oher's adopted parents. Set to be released on November 20, 2009 by Warner Bros.
Oher is one of thirteen children born to an alcoholic, drug-addicted mother in the West Memphis ghetto. He grew up in total poverty with her, in and out of various foster homes and various public schools. Along the way, he filled out into a 6' 6" 340 pound behemoth with natural grace and speed unnatural to those of his size. He also came to the attention of Lewis' old elementary school classmate, and ex-college star point guard Sean Tuohy. Now a successful businessman and pro-basketball announcer, Tuohy takes an interest in MIchael and works the system to get him into his daughter's elite Christian prep school. The lily-white conservative Tuohy family's quasi-adoption of Michael, along with his meteoric rise to prominence in college football recruiting circles forms the central storyline. The Tuohy's basically work their upper-crust and sports connections to shepard Michael along, pressuring people, exploiting loopholes, and using their money to smooth his path.
Oher is one of thirteen children born to an alcoholic, drug-addicted mother in the West Memphis ghetto. He grew up in total poverty with her, in and out of various foster homes and various public schools. Along the way, he filled out into a 6' 6" 340 pound behemoth with natural grace and speed unnatural to those of his size. He also came to the attention of Lewis' old elementary school classmate, and ex-college star point guard Sean Tuohy. Now a successful businessman and pro-basketball announcer, Tuohy takes an interest in MIchael and works the system to get him into his daughter's elite Christian prep school. The lily-white conservative Tuohy family's quasi-adoption of Michael, along with his meteoric rise to prominence in college football recruiting circles forms the central storyline. The Tuohy's basically work their upper-crust and sports connections to shepard Michael along, pressuring people, exploiting loopholes, and using their money to smooth his path.
The Blind Side movie trailer:

I read parts of this book (the ones about Oher, not all the technical football stuff) and absolutely loved it. I really hope that this movie stays true to the original story, because this is one true story that needs no Hollywood embellishments to bring tears to even the most uptight person. Nobody could have written a fantasy story this life-affirming.
I've been waiting for this movie for awhile, but only just now saw the trailer and that is getting me even more excited. I also thought it was cool that they used a snippet of the song "Kill the Messenger" by Jack's Mannequin in the 2nd trailer (about 45 seconds in), because the singer also has an inspirational personal story as a cancer survivor...hope to hear more Jack's Mannequin music in the movie.