Carnies is a thriller film, set for release on October 12, 2010. The film is written and directed by Brian Corder and stars Chris Staviski as Virgil Handso, Doug Jones as Ratcatcher, Reggie Bannister as Detective Conrad Ellison, David Markham as William Crowley, Lynn Ayala as Zoe Kroistakas, Denise Gossett as Helen and Lee Perkins as Professor James Algonquin.

Movie synopsis: Having sawdust in the blood is a carny compliment, but blood in the sawdust is another story. In 1936, during The Great Depression, a traveling sideshow sets up shop to mystify yet another dustbowl town with freaks and illusions. When a sinister force begins taking the carnies' lives one-by-one, Detective Ellison (Reggie Bannister) is put on the case. Is it the cryptic carnival owner, Helen (Denise Gosset)? What about the strong man, Virgil (Chris Staviski)? Or how about Ratty, the snake handler (Doug Jones) and his friend William, the sword swallower (David Markham)? Step right up folks, step right up. The show is about to begin.

Carnies movie trailer

Carnies, movie, poster


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