The Shrine is a crime / thriller movie written and directed by Jon Knautz, stars: Aaron Ash, Cindy Sampson, Meghan Heffern, Trevor Matthews, Debra McCabe, Paulino Nunes, Connor Stanhope, Ben Lewis. The film is set to be released in 2010 by Untitled Brookstreet Pictures. The film revolves around a backpacker missing in Europe, and a group of journalists who link his disappearance to a remote village in Poland called Alwainia. Upon further investigation, the journalists discover that Alwainia has a history of bizarre cult activity revolving around human sacrifice. Hell bent on discovering the truth, they travel to the small village, but quickly find themselves pursued by a mysterious group set on killing them. Forced into the gruesome reality of true survival horror, the journalist’s soon discover that Alwainia hides a much darker secret than they could ever imagine.

The Shrine HD Movie Trailer:

the shrine, movie, poster, cover, HD, trailer


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