Hard Reset is a First Person Shooter video game for Microsoft Windows, developed by “The Flying Wild Hog”, a Polish developer that is comprised the members of the team behind Bulletstorm, and earlier developers from CD Projekt Red and City Interactive. The game is slated to release on Steam on September 13, 2011. Hard Reset will feature a...
for more information “Hard Reset system specs revealed - PC”
O-Games recently revealed their upcoming social dancing video game titled “Get Up And Dance” for Nintendo Wii and PlayStation Move. The game is developed by Gusto Games, and slated for release on November 04, 2011. Get Up and Dance featuring from classic songs to present chart hits with their official music videos. Also the player can select...
for more information “Get Up and Dance song track list for Wii and PS3”
Anomaly: Warzone Earth is a strategy video game for Apple iPad, developed by 11 Bit Studio and published by Chillingo. In the Anomaly: Warzone Earth, it was the year 2018 when the planet gazed to the universe and observed as a massive comet bore down on our world. As it drew closer, we started to see it for what it really was ... remains...
for more information “Anomaly: Warzone Earth new iPad game”
The game is developed by Over The Top Games / EA 2D and published by Electronic Arts. The Fancy Pants Adventures acquires all the enthusiasm from the original two games and brings a brand new venture intended solely for console. Factual to traditional console game play, Fancy Pants Man swifts through a totally new world to save his captured...
for more information “The Fancy Pants Adventures game for Sony PS3”
Trapped Dead is a strategy video game for the PC. The game was developed by Independent and published by Meridian4. In the game, a domestic virus spread infects the residents of a peaceful countryside, transforming its people into a mass of vicious zombies. Unluckily for two students taking a casual road trip, their appearance in the countryside results in a risky diversion that has them battle to stay alive. Delivered in a 3rd...
for more information “Trapped Dead game info and system specs for PC”
Caustic Zombies is an upcoming horror film directed by Johnny Daggers from his own script. The film stars Aleesha Asper, Greg Wainwright, Jake Hursh, Melanie Stone, Chad Hammitt, Matt Eames, Mark Fleming, Joshua D Bowers, Matt Shoup, Mike Shoup, Mario Dominick, Jessica Schmeltz, Christine Foster, Julianne Rauch and Chris Shevlin. Plot summery:...
for more information “Caustic Zombies (2011) movie trailer, poster and plot”
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