The Cool Beans: We Need a Hit is an animated film, release date to be announced later. The film is written and directed by Patrick M. Walsh Jr.
Plot summery: The Cool Beans: We Need a Hit is set in a miniature world built of everyday substance from the human world assembled to resemble a little New York City. The tale follows two opponent groups, The Cool Beans and the Bad Seeds as they fight for a record agreement with Marigold Records headed by The Kernel. Following an unsuccessful side business selling kazoos, formerly inexorable Kernel who has not generated a hit record in 2 years finds himself sinking in debt and facing a hostile capture by Sammy "The Wing" Crowbono and his brag henchmen. The Kernel is met with the challenge that he have to locate the garden's next strike by the end of the day or lose power of his melodious kingdom that he built from the ground up. To make difficult matters, The Cool Bean's only master recording is stolen by The Bad Seedz to boost their own chances of getting signed by the Kernel's record label. With the end of the day fast approaching everyone desires to get their hands on The Cool Beans lost tape.