Darkening Sky is a thriller film, release date to be announced later. The film is written and directed by Victor Bornia and stars Rider Strong as Eric Rainer, Danielle Keaton as Beth, Danica Stewart as Cindy, Charley Rossman as Harold, Daniel Kirschner as Steve, Sally Berman as Emily, Suzanne Ford as Dr. Connell, Time Winters as Dr. Mack, Maria Olsen as Lola, Bella DiFiore as Ruby, Rob King as Tim, Angus Hall as Gus, Ezra Buzzington as Guy and Maitland McConnell as Lisa.

Movie synopsis: When a troubled UFO skeptic finds his girlfriend has vanished, he is forced to consider the one explanation he finds impossible to accept. Grad student, Eric Rainer, has a thesis: UFOs and ETs are modern-day myths designed to explain events that seem unexplainable. But after a disturbing alien abduction nightmare, Eric must face the sudden and mysterious disappearance of his girlfriend.

Desperate for answers, he meets a beautiful stranger (Danielle Keaton) who lost her boyfriend under similar circumstances. Together, they unravel the mystery, going deeper and deeper into a bizarre world of alien shape-shifters, implanted objects, organ harvesting, and humans seemingly possessed by malevolent forces.

Darkening Sky movie trailer

Darkening Sky, movie, poster

For more information, please visit official sit: http://www.darkeningsky.com/


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