Christmas with a Capital C is an upcoming film, set for release in the US on November 02, 2010. The film is written by Andrea Gyertson Nasfell and directed by Helmut Schleppi and stars Ted McGinley as Dan Reed, Daniel Baldwin as Mitch Bright, Nancy Stafford as Kristen Reed and Brad Stine as Greg Reed.
Movie synopsis: Christmas has always been a exceptional time of love and tradition in the small town of Trapper Falls Alaska. Hometown of Mayor Dan Reed (Ted McGinley) looks forward to each year with enthusiasm to all the events, friends and family that fill this special season. Together with his brother Greg (Brad Stine) they dedicate time away from their adventure tour company to drape the town is Christmas cheer. When Dan's old high school rival Mitch Bright (Daniel Baldwin) returns home after 20 years, Dan is immediately suspicious. Mitch is a highly successful big city lawyer who has never wanted anything to do with Trapper Falls or its people, so why now?
The rivalry re-ignites when Mitch takes offense to seeing the town’s flagrant violation of the constitution's Establishment clause. Mitch wants the Nativity scene removed from the front of City hall and more importantly the word Christmas switched to Happy Holidays on all signs. Fifty years of tradition are now challenged not by an outsider but a former member of the community. As the conflict escalates it goes beyond one persons opinion but magnifies into an entire town problem when Mitch enters into the mayoral race to have Dan replaced.
In the heat of the legal battle and facing certain defeat, Dan's wife Kristen (Nancy Stafford) and their daughter Makayla (Francesca Derosa) wanting to show the true meaning of Christmas are inspired to launch a "Christmas with a Capitol C" campaign as an effort to keep the town together. In doing so they discover the secret behind Mitch's return but also reminds all of Trapper Falls that with the arrival of God's Son, peace on earth and good will was to be given to all; even those whose heart seem closed to Him.
Christmas with a Capital C movie clip