Prince of Broadway is a drama film, set for release in the USA on September 03, 2010. The screenplay is written by Sean Baker / Darren Dean and directed by Sean Baker, and stars Prince Adu, Karren Karagulian, Aiden Noesi, Keyali Mayaga, Kat Sanchez, Victoria Tate, Chris Bergoch, Brea Cola, Roger Harkavy, Adesuwa Addy Iyare, Kurt Leitner, Cindy Lopez, Mark Newell, Edwin Norteye and Michael Adrienne O'Hagan.
Movie synopsis: Prince of Broadway is the story of Lucky and Levon, two men whose lives converge in the underbelly of New York's wholesale fashion district. Lucky, an illegal immigrant from Ghana, makes ends meet by soliciting shoppers on the street with knock-off brand merchandise. Levon, an Armenian-Lebanese immigrant, operates an illegal storefront with a concealed back room where counterfeit goods are showcased to interested shoppers. Lucky's world is suddenly turned upside down when a child is thrust into his life by a woman who insists the toddler is his son. While Lucky copes with his new domestic dilemma, Levon struggles to save a marriage that is falling apart. The seedy side of the wholesale district is revealed through a journey that continually confronts the interplay between what is fake and what is real.
Prince of Broadway movie trailer