FrontierVille is an economic simulation video game for the Web, developed and published by Zynga.

In the game, you arrive with your covered wagon on your plot of land where you start chopping trees, harvesting crops, and scaring away wild snakes and bears. Once you have cleared your homestead, it’s time to build a log cabin and bring your family from back east to live with you on your homestead and explore the Wild West together

FrontierVille game features:

Create your own pioneer avatar. Once you’ve customized your facial features and clothes, you can begin playing the game. You can always change your avatar, customize your spouse’s avatar, and the rest of your family in the Family Album feature. Your children’s avatars will grow larger as they grow older.

FrontierVille game video

FrontierVille, web, game, image Customize your cabin and each of your buildings with add-ons and colors.

After you’ve cleared enough land, it’s time to plant some crops and trees and raise animals. Buy seeds, trees and animals in the marketplace. Be careful to not let your crops wither as they become worthless. Harvested crops yield extra coin, food, and experience points.

The wilderness is filled with dangerous vermin. Snakes, groundhogs, and bears lurk behind trees, rocks, and tall grass. You’ll have to attack or chase these varmints off your homestead, but there are great rewards.

Add friends as your neighbors to help you chop trees and build your log cabin.

Being a good neighbor to your fellow pioneers earns you hearts. As you gain more hearts, or points, your reputation level increases. A good reputation makes you more useful to friends to hire you and increases the number of bonuses you can get each day.

Quest system keeps new adventures coming.


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