Plants vs. Zombies is a puzzle video game developed and published by PopCap Games for iPhone, Xbox and PC
Basic Tips Plants vs. Zombies:
Sun, sun, and more sun. Plant as many sunflowers as quickly you can; two columns of sunflowers is a good foundation for your sun economy.
Use cheap one-hit-kill plants like potato mines and squashes in the early stages of a level to give yourself time to plant more sunflowers.
Chompers and wall-nuts work exceedingly well together.
Wall-nuts on lily pads are effective against snorkel zombies.
It takes two cherry bombs to take down a Gargantuar.
Doom-shroom craters eventually fill in by themselves.
Frozen zombies eat slower than non-frozen zombies.
Puff-shrooms, being free, are extremely useful in nighttime levels.
Conehead zombies take two and a half times more hits as regular zombies.
Buckethead zombies take five times as many hits as regular zombies.
Multiple snow-peas in a row don't slow zombies down more than one snow pea.
Destroying graves with grave busters prevent zombies from emerging from them later.
The number of flags in the lower right-hand corner of the screen gives you a rough idea how long the level will be.
Plants vs Zombies: gameplay and review video

Feeding a hypno-shroom to a dancer zombie forces him to summon backup dancers to help you.
Torchwoods douse snow peas and fireballs unfreeze zombies.
Wall-nuts help prevent shooter zombies from killing your plants in the ZomBotany mini-game.
If you're having trouble with the Pogo Party or Bobsled Bonanza mini-games, try using the squash.
Jalapenos destroy the Zomboni as well as its ice trail.
Right-click during the Zombiquarium mini-game to tap on the glass.
In Vasebreaker puzzles, try breaking the vases on the right side first.
Dancer zombies, though expensive, can be very useful in the I, Zombie puzzles.
Cattail spikes can pop balloon zombies' balloons.
Magnet-shrooms can stop digger zombies by stealing their mining picks.
Magnet-shrooms can be used to remove ladders from wall-nuts and tall-nuts.
Cherry bombs can dislodge ladders from wall-nuts and tall-nuts.
Tall-nuts are particularly useful against dolphin riders and pogo zombies.
Zombonis, catapult zombies, screen door zombies and ladder zombies are all resistant to torchwood fire.
In Survival mode, upgrade plants become more expensive the more you have on your lawn.
Imps, though weak, can be surprisingly useful on I, Zombie puzzles.
The more ricochets you achieve in Wall-nut Bowling, the more coins you'll earn.
Playing Survival: Endless mode is an excellent way to earn coins.
If Crazy Dave runs out of marigolds at his shop, come back the next day for more.
Zen Garden Tips:
Mushroom plants for your Zen Garden are more likely to appear in nighttime levels.
Aquatic plants for your Zen Garden are more likely to appear in pool levels.
Survival: Endless mode drops every kind of Zen Garden plant, not just aquatic plants.
Chocolate can appear in any game mode.
Aquatic Zen Garden plants will only grow in the Zen Aquarium.
Mushroom Zen Garden plants will only grow in the Mushroom Garden.
Feeding Stinky chocolate will keep him active for an hour.