44 Inch Chest is a British drama film, directed by Malcolm Venville and written by Richard Brown and Steve Golin. Cast: Ray Winstone as a British gangster and jealous husband, Ian McShane as Meredith, John Hurt as Old Man Peanut, Tom Wilkinson as Archie, Stephen Dillane as Mal, Joanne Whalley as Liz and Melvil Poupaud as Loverboy. 44 Inch Chest is set to be released on January 15, 2010 (USA). The movie explores the masculine ego at breaking point, testing whether fear is stronger than love. Colin (Ray Winstone) is in agony, shattered by his wife’s (Joanne Whalley) infidelity. However, he has friends who do more than stand by; they kidnap his wife’s French lover and hold him prisoner so that Colin can restore his manhood with revenge.
44 Inch Chest HD movie trailer