Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures is a series of adventure games developed and published by Telltale Games for PC (Microsoft Windows) and Xbox Live Arcade. The third episode “Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures, Episode 3: Muzzled” was released on June 16, 2009 for the PC and the Xbox Live Arcade version of the game was released on November 04, 2009. In the Episode 3: Shortly after the holiday season, a charity fair comes into town, run by Monty Muzzle, to raise money for a new dog shelter. After dealing with three strays in their home, Wallace and Gromit go to the fair with Wallace's new invention to create any flavor of ice cream. At the fair, Gromit discovers that Mr. Muzzle is actually attempting to steal away the townspeople's donations and using the strays as manual labor for the fair.

Wallace and Gromit's Grand Adventures-Muzzled Game Trailer

wallace & gromit's grand adventures episode 3 muzzled, video, gameWhen Wallace and Gromit uncover Mr. Muzzle's intentions, he escapes on a makeshift balloon, but Wallace and Gromit give chase, denying Mr. Muzzle of his ill-gotten money while saving all the strays. Ms. Flitt, who dumped Duncan McBiscuit earlier in the episode and has grown to admire the "bravery" of Wallace (unaware that it was actually Gromit that stopped Muzzle), mistakes his confusion at finding a loose fastening nut as an engagement ring and a marriage proposal from him.


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