The film is directed by Stephen Sommers , produced by Lorenzo Di Bonaventura and written by Stuart Beattie. Set ten years in the future, the film is an origin story, showing the rise of the Cobra Organization. Stephen Sommers said, "For people who know nothing about it, it'll make sense. And to people who love this stuff, it'll show where they all came from." The film focuses on Duke (Channing Tatum) and Ripcord's (Marlon Wayans) induction into the G.I. Joe Team, providing the audience's point-of-view. Locations include the Arctic, Paris, Moscow, Washington, D.C., Australia and the Sahara.[ The G.I. Joe Team is based in the Pit, while it was indicated Cobra Island will appear.
Check out the demo of the video game based on this movie: G.I. Joe
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