Dragonball Evolution is a 2009 American live-action film adaptation of the Dragon Ball media franchise being produced by 20th Century Fox. The story centers around the adventures of the lead character Goku.
Goku’s quest – with nothing less than the fate of our world at stake- begins innocently enough in the backyard of his grandfather’s home, where Gohan is training the young man in some exotic martial arts moves. It is Goku’s 18th birthday, and Gohan’s gift to his grandson is a Dragonball, a small, round ball whose surface is smooth and pearl-like, but with a milky translucence that gives it depth. Four stars float inside the ball. There are only six others like it in the world, and it is said the seven Dragonballs together will grant the holder one perfect wish.
Connected to the legend of the Dragonballs is Goku’s own mysterious past – he never knew his parents – as well as the coming solar eclipse, which superstitions mark as a sign of a coming apocalypse. Gohan promises to reveal all to Goku at the special birthday dinner Gohan is preparing for his grandson.
But Goku skips out on Gohan’s feast, to attend a party hosted by Chi Chi, a fellow student to whom Goku is drawn. As the two teens get to know one another, a tragedy at home is triggered by ther arrival of a dark force – propelling Goku, Roshi, Bulma, Yamcha and Chi Chi into a race to collect all seven Dragonballs. The stakes couldn’t be higher. Goku will face called Ki, which marshals the energy of the universe – and learn the truth of his incredible past….and of a potentially unthinkable future.
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i have seen the trailer of this film. and i can say that it's worth waiting for. i am so excited to really see it! i am a dragonball fan myself.
maxi of www.ovahcoffee.com and www.healthnbeyond.com
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maxi of www.healthnbeyond.com and www.ovahcoffee.com
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That movie is right up my ally.
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